Architecture Foundation Australia
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Latest news from the Architecture Foundation Australia, Glenn Murcutt Master Class, other programs, exhibitions, publications

Namibia Gift

Michael Tomassi of 01 Editions, Sophia van Greunen, Glenn Murcutt, Mwamba Mwanakatwe

A Glenn Murcutt Folio Edition has been donated each year by the publishers 01 Editions and gifted by the Glenn Murcutt Master Class to an architecture school in a developing nation, for use by the students. The Folio Edition is a unique boxed-set limited edition reproducing over seventy Murcutt drawings at original size with essays by Kenneth Frampton, David Malouf and Juhani Pallasmaa.

This year recognises the support of participants from Namibia. The 2017 presentation is made to the Namibian University of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning, Windhoek.

The Murcutt Master Class participants 2017 from Namibia were Phia van Greunen, who is a member of the Architecture staff at the university, and Mwamba Mwanakatwe. Previous Master Class participants from Namibia have been Wim Steenkamp 2012, and Gachiku Gloria Kamau, 2013.

In previous years a copy of the 01 Editions Murcutt Folio has been presented to architecture schools in Jamaica 2011, Guatemala 2012, Bangladesh 2013, Slovenia 2015 and Sri Lanka 2015.


Lindsay Johnston